An Applied Component Modeling to the Irreversibility from a New Configurationally Perspective of the Statistical Physics


  • Saeed Shahsavari Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran
  • Mehran Moradi Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran



Statistical Physics; Irreversibility Structure; Irreversibility components; Energy Structure; Energy components


From the perspective of statistical physics (Boltzmann equation), configurational entropy can be calculated using the study of the microstates of the system. When a physical process is performed, identifying the entropy production can be used to investigate the irreversibility, but from the perspective of the Boltzmann equation, to study entropy production, both all microstates and macrostates must be studied. Therefore, a very large volume of calculations will be needed. In this report, using a new innovative energy structure equation, a new macroscopic component modeling is extracted to investigate the configurational irreversibility. To investigate the irreversibility in physical systems, the energy structure equation of the system can be studied in different paths. During performing a physical process, some activated energy components related to the reversible process and remain will be related to the irreversible process. In this report, also using a quasi-statistical approach, the structure of irreversible components is studied. When macroscopic energy components are the base of the equations, a very large volume of the needed calculations will be less than Boltzmann equation and in fact, studying all particles isn’t needed, but it is enough that a few macroscopic components to be investigated. Also, considering the theories of dissipated energy, the extracted equations have the same base as the different formulations of the second law of thermodynamics.


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How to Cite

An Applied Component Modeling to the Irreversibility from a New Configurationally Perspective of the Statistical Physics. (2020). Asian Journal of Fuzzy and Applied Mathematics, 8(3).