Exponential growth of solution of a strongly nonlinear reaction diffusion equation


  • Hongwei Zhang Henan University of Technology
  • JIng Shu
  • Longfei Qi
  • Qingying Hu


An initial boundary value problem for strongly nonlinear reaction diusionequation is studied. We show the exponential growth of solution with Lp- norm using adierential inequalities.


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Asian Journal of Fuzzy and Applied Mathematics (ISSN: 2321 – 564X)

Volume 02 – Issue 05, October 2014





How to Cite

Exponential growth of solution of a strongly nonlinear reaction diffusion equation. (2014). Asian Journal of Fuzzy and Applied Mathematics, 2(5). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJFAM/article/view/1250