The Development of Practice in Permeation Grouting by using Fine-grained Cement Suspensions
Permeation Grouting, Fine-grained Cements, Suspensions, InjectabilityAbstract
Grouting includes a range of processes that involve the injection of wet or dry materials into the ground to provide improved engineering properties. Common aims are to increase strength or stiffness or to reduce permeability within the mass of ground treated. This paper, mainly, addresses permeation grouting for the improvement of soils, in terms of strengthening or reduction of permeability, and compensation grouting for the displacement of structures during subsurface exploration. The grouts used to make permeation grouting are suspensions and chemical solutions. The suspensions penetrate well into soils with granulometry up to coarse sand. On the contrary, the chemical solutions penetrate satisfactorily in finer formations up to fine sands or coarse sludges. Because some chemical solutions are toxic or generally harmful to the environment and humans, an effort has been made internationally in recent years to replace them with inorganic fine-grained suspensions.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Dimitrios Christodoulou, Philotheos Lokkas, Alexandros Droudakis, Xenofon Spiliotis, Dorothea Kasiteropoulou, Nikolaos Alamanis

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