Thermal Plasma Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Residue: A Review
Thermal plasma, Bottom ash, Fly ash, Incineration, Municipal solid wasteAbstract
Incineration is the most common thermal method applied to treat generated municipal solid waste due to its ability to achieve volume and mass reduction of waste and energy recovery but this success comes along with the release and formation of bottom ash, fly ash and air pollution control residue that require proper treatment and management. This paper review the applicability of thermal plasma process in treating municipal solid waste residues (MSWI). Bottom ash, fly ash and mixture of bottom ash and fly ash has been subjected to thermal plasma treatment to study the slag reuse potential, volatilization and mobility of trace element, immobilisation of heavy metals and destruction of Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs). The predominant components in the residues are zinc and lead as well as oxides of aluminium, calcium and silicon (Al2O3, CaO and SiO2).The need for environmentally acceptable and friendly treatment of waste and the benefit of high energy density, higher weight and volume reduction, elimination of landfill requirement and production of non-hazardous and reusable material from thermal plasma systems will continue to promotes its suitability for treatment of municipal solid waste incineration residue.
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