Effect of Glass Spheres on Properties of E Glass/Cyanate Modified Epoxy Laminate


  • Andrew Nallayan W
  • Vijayakumar K R, Ajoyrameshan


High performance polymer composite laminates used in Aerospace and Electronics industries requires laminates that are structurally rigid besides exhibiting high stiffness and good di electrical properties. They are often required to be electromagnetically transparent in order to transmit the EM signals with nil transmission loss. Such materials could be a targeted with a focus on further enhancing their capabilities so that new material combinations with variety of fillers could be tried for different applications of the generation next, Electronics. Response of the laminates under tensile , flexural loading and a set of critical di electrical properties could by and large establish a potent material combination that can be used in signal processing divisions of aero electronics in particular viz Radome and similar such units. To augment this, thin laminates with cross ply configuration having 0/90/0/90 degrees as applicable to 4 plied, cross plied laminates were fabricated with cyanate ester modified epoxy resin and 1200GSM E glass unidirectional fiber. Solid glass spheres (9-13 micrometers diameter) as fillers were added to the laminate in 0%,10%,20% and 30%.Tensile strength & modulus, Flexural strength& modulus and di electric strength,di electric constant and dissipation factor /loss tangent at 1 MHz respectively were the properties chosen for the functionalization. It was found that best structural responses were from the balanced 4 plied laminate with 10% filler addition whereas the dielectric strength and loss tangent were found to be best for laminate with 10% filler addition. The dielectric constant was found to be the best for laminate with 30% filler addition. Thus, it was proven that filler addition has a vital role in influencing the properties of a laminate and a proper trade off between various parameters are required to be weighed before zeroing on a potential laminate for a specific application.


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How to Cite

Effect of Glass Spheres on Properties of E Glass/Cyanate Modified Epoxy Laminate. (2015). Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(4). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJET/article/view/3038