Ultra mud system Optimizes Drilling Efficiency in Sirte basin(Libya)


  • Biltayib M. Austrulain Collegue of Kuwait(ACK)
  • Mohammed Omer
  • Saad Blahssen


Drilling operations continue to get more difficult particularly in the  mature fields  as the oil company try to get more information about properties of these reservoirs, verify the fluids contact, assist to delineate new development locations, and determine the proven reserves. As wells become more challenging in onshore mature fields areas such as oil field in  sirte basin , operators are finding it difficult to drill efficiently to total depth using conventional water-based mud (WBM) systems and often have to rely on oil-based mud (OBM) to reach their drilling objectives. Although there are definite technical benefits associated with OBM, these fluids are often a costly solution with regard to disposal costs, lost circulation issues and regulatory/environmental considerations. As a result, operators are constantly challenged to balance performance requirements with environmental, waste disposal, economic and logistical drivers.

In response, new high-performance WBM (ultra drilling mud system  solutions have been developed to fill the performance gap between conventional water-based and oil-based muds for onshore drilling applications. The newest generation of Ultra Mud weight systems is designed to provide superior performance and environmental compliance while maintaining cost competitiveness compared with conventional WBMs.



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Sirte Oil Company ,Annually drilling report (2014)., Drilling performance .,internally published by Production Department National Oil Corporation.pp5- 25, 2014.

Erik Hoover and John Trenery(2010): High-Performance WBM Optimizes Drilling Efficiency In Demanding Vicksburg Wells USA, 2010

Paco Vieira, Hani Qutob and Maurizio Arnone, Weatherford International; and Mohamed Ben Shatwan, Arabian Gulf Oil Co.(Libya); and Biltayib Misbah, National Oil Corporation (Libya) (SPE/IADC 130562)(2010) First Underbalanced Drilling Experience in AGOCO Sarir C- Main Field - LIBYA: Case Study2010 SPE/IADC Managed Pressure Drilling & Underbalanced Operations Conference & Exhibition, 24-25 February 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia







How to Cite

Ultra mud system Optimizes Drilling Efficiency in Sirte basin(Libya). (2015). Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(2). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJET/article/view/2389