Infusion of Information and Communication Technologies into a Science Programme for Assistant Lecturers


  • Mziwoxolo Mayedwa University of the Western Cape
  • Tasneem Taliep University of the Western Cape
  • Juliet Stoltenkamp University of the Western Cape


ICT Infusion, ePedagogy, modes of delivery, blended learning, training and development


The rapid growth and impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has infiltrated almost every aspect of our lives across the globe. Hence, it makes sense that the Higher Education Institutions (HEI) should not be left behind in this phenomenon.  The authors address how teaching-and-learning practices within HE settings can be enhanced through the effective infusion of ICTs. The Centre for Innovative Educational and Communication Technologies (CIECT) recently collaborated with the Science Faculty and other stakeholders at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), to design and develop a Programme, namely: Faculty of Science Teaching Assistants Development Programme (FSTADP). The paper highlights that the infusion of ICT into the curriculum depends on dedicated training and support interventions - in order for lecturers to successfully engage in the discourse related to the infusion of ICTs, and the actual implementation thereof. Therefore, “integrated institutional ICT infrastructure and systems with dedicated front-end and back-end support capacity and processes enable the development of pedagogically sound, interactive online courses which can be accessed at any time and from any geographical spaceâ€. Whilst ICT plays a critical role in enabling teaching-and-learning practices, it is imperative that the lecturer-student relationship be maintained.


Author Biographies

  • Mziwoxolo Mayedwa, University of the Western Cape
    Research Co-ordinator of the Centre for Innovative Educational and Communication Technologies (CIECT) at the University of the Western Cape. He is currently doing his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Information System at the University of Cape Town.
  • Tasneem Taliep, University of the Western Cape

    Instructional Designer of the Centre for Innovative Educational and Communication Technologies (CIECT) at the University of the Western Cape. She studied B.Comm Information Systems.

  • Juliet Stoltenkamp, University of the Western Cape
    Director of the Centre for Innovative Educational and Communication Technologies (CIECT) at the University of the Western Cape. Juliet has just completed her PhD study: An Integrated Approach to Implementing eLearning in a complex higher education setting: A case-study of the University of the Western Cape – which enables her to engage in teaching-and-learning discourse and deliberate key elements and challenges that the higher education sector has to take cognisance of during the development of an institutional strategic operational planning; and eLearning implementation.


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How to Cite

Infusion of Information and Communication Technologies into a Science Programme for Assistant Lecturers. (2013). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 1(5).

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