Learning Style Preferences and Academic Achievement among Researchers


  • Mai S Saleh Environmental and Occupational Medicine Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo
  • Zeinab M Monir
  • Eman Eltahlawy


Learning Styles, Academic achievement, Hemispheric dominance, Dual brained, Jung Typology


The present study aimed at exploring the predominant learning styles within researchers in National Research Center of Egypt (NRC), in order to improve their learning and enhance their career. A convenient sample of 72 from different specialties in the NRC comprised the study sample. A questionnaire modeled after Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and based on Jung's theoretical functional types was used. Statistical computation included percentage distribution for interesting variables using Chi square test for significance. Thinking and Feeling types predominated with 40% each. The Sensing personality represented 14.3%, with 5.7% for the Intuitive. Predominant learning styles within population of academic researchers matched reported distribution of types in normal population. Functional types appeared to be more related to guiding tendencies rather than improving achievement. Dual brained types after Katherine Benziger -as introduced in this study- could add to individual learning characterization in light of Jung typological functions and hemispheric dominance.


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How to Cite

Learning Style Preferences and Academic Achievement among Researchers. (2013). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 1(4). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJEEL/article/view/489

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