LMS vs. Smartphone: Opportunities and Challenges
In this paper, I have attempted to compare the smartphone and a learning management system (LMS), looking at their respective advantages and challenges in terms of their integration into an educational context. The purpose of this was to offer a clearer vision and broaden understanding amongst teachers, educators and policy-makers in Kuwait, as regards these advantages and challenges. This could then help them decide which technology might best serve their learners.
A great deal of literature and many projects (articles and theses) in higher education institutions (HEIs) and schools around the world have been analyzed using document analysis (DA) and this is the method applied in the current study. The results show that both technologies, i.e. the smartphone and an LMS hold many advantages and pedagogical affordances, besides presenting challenges. Nevertheless, the literature shows that smartphones have unique advantages which make them more promising/serviceable than any LMS; for example, but not limited to, ubiquity, portability, individuality, familiarity and ease of use. This study finishes by presenting some noteworthy recommendations.
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