Lesson Planning in the Second Language Teaching by Kitty B. Purgason: Article Review


  • Dzenan Salihovic International School Sarajevo
  • Azamat Akbarov


Being a teacher can indeed be a demanding and challenging job. To be a successful teacher, one needs to know how to deal with various setbacks and occupational hazards like stress, brimming schedule, and the fact that we do relatively low paid, excruciating job which does not finish at the office or at our working place. The teacher’s job comes with him after the working hours, to his home. Therefore, to be a successful teacher you need to love this occupation and be ready for the constant change, innovation and improvement. Otherwise, teaching does not make any sense, and classroom becomes difficult place for the teacher and the students. In the article, “Lesson Planning in the Second Language Teachingâ€; written by Kitty B. Purgason, we can find some important pointers regarding how to do lesson planning. These pointers may improve lesson content on the one hand and on the other hand may be helpful for a teacher in dealing with full schedule and short time preparation for the lesson.



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. Purgason, B. Kitty. (2013). Teaching English as a second or foreign language.4th edition. National Geographic Learning & Cengage Learning. Boston. USA

. Richards,J. C., & Bohlke, D. (2011). Creating effective language lessons. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

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. Watkins, P. (2005). Learning to teach English. Surrey, UK: Delta Publishing.

. Woodward, T. (2001). Planning lessons and courses. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.




How to Cite

Salihovic, D., & Akbarov, A. (2013). Lesson Planning in the Second Language Teaching by Kitty B. Purgason: Article Review. Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 1(4). Retrieved from https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJEEL/article/view/230