The Difference between Gifted and Ordinary Children in Jordan in their Use of Intuitive Rule "same A- same B"


  • Ziad N. Obied


Gifted, Ordinary Children, Intuitive Rule "same A-same B".


The primary purpose of this study was to examine  the difference between gifted and ordinary students in Jordan in their use of intuitive rule "Same A-Same B". Participants of the study consisted of (240) students divided into two groups (120 gifted, and 120 ordinary students), I used a questionnaire including 4 tasks relates to the  rule " same A- same B". An analysis of variance was carried out for correct responses for intuitive rule " Same A- Same B" with the factors giftedness (ordinary, gifted) and grade level (10th 11th 12th grades).  Results indicate that there is a significant differences were between gifted and ordinary students in their responses to tasks embedded in rule "Same A-Same B: The gifted students gave more correct responses than the ordinary students.


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How to Cite

The Difference between Gifted and Ordinary Children in Jordan in their Use of Intuitive Rule "same A- same B". (2014). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 2(6).

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