Challenging Factors in Educational Assessment in Nigerian Secondary Schools


  • O. Adikwu
  • A. D. E. Obinne Department of Educational Foundation and General Studies, University of Agriculture, Makurdi
  • A. O. Amali


In reaction to the apparent declining rate of educational standard in Nigeria, this paper examined the various factors that result into this abysmal performance resulting into crisis in educational assessment.  These include ethical and legal issues, problems associated with continuous assessment, assessment techniques, environment situation, poor funding and the validity and reliability of assessment instruments.  In view of these problems, recommendations were made to ameliorate the problems which include training of teachers in test construction, administration, scoring, grading and interpretation of results, conducive environment and proper funding of the education sector.




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How to Cite

Challenging Factors in Educational Assessment in Nigerian Secondary Schools. (2014). Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 2(3).