A Provably Secure Trapdoor Hash Function Based on k-ECAA


  • Fuw-Yi Yi Yanga Computer Science and Information Engineering, Chaoyang University of Technology,
  • Su Hui Chiu Office of Accounting, Chaoyang University of Technology,


Digital signature, k-CAA assumption, k-ECAA assumption, Trapdoor hash function.


The integration of trapdoor hash function and scheme of digital signature not only enhances the security of the signature scheme, but also reduces the online computation during the construction of signatures. Many schemes of trapdoor hash function have been proposed. However, many of them are not provably secure. This paper proposes a trapdoor hash function based on an extension of k-CAA assumption, i.e. k-ECAA. On the assumption of random oracle model and adaptively chosen message attack, a forgery of collision implies solution of k-ECAA instance


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How to Cite

A Provably Secure Trapdoor Hash Function Based on k-ECAA. (2016). Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems, 4(3). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJCIS/article/view/3855

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