The impact of Social Media Advertising on Attitude towards Social Media Advertising and Product Purchase Intention


  • Phan Nhu Ngoc Nguyen Faculty of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam
  • Danh-Ha-Thai Nguyen Faculty of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam
  • Thi-Xuan-Hanh Vo Faculty of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam



Social Media Advertising, Attitude toward Social Media Advertising, Purchase Intention


This paper researched the impact of factors related to Social Media Advertising on Attitude towards Social Media Advertising and Purchase Intention. Data was collected by online form, the sample size is 235. Amos 20.0 was used to analyze the relations among factors in the Structural Equation Model. Eight of thirteen hypothesizes are accepted. This research shows a positive relation between Attitude towards Social Media Advertising and Purchase Intention. Irritation had a negative effect on Attitude towards Social Media Advertising. This study also found the positive relation of some variance couples such as Information and Attitude, Entertainment and Attitude, Credibility and Attitude, Social role and Attitude, Entertainment and Purchase Intention, Interaction and Purchase Intention.


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How to Cite

The impact of Social Media Advertising on Attitude towards Social Media Advertising and Product Purchase Intention. (2022). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 10(2).

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