Tourism Image Analysis using Tourism Marketing Strategies and Tourist Satisfaction Programs in Poso Regency


  • Abdi Sakti Walenta Department of Economic, Universitas Negeri Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
  • Chalid Imran Musa Professor, Universitas Negeri Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
  • Basri Bado Lecturer, Universitas Negeri Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia



Merging Marketing, Satisfaction and Image


This research is based on surveys result on conditions of Poso Regency Tourism which show that when compared with the government's work plans and programs to develop tourism in Poso Regency and to make it become a mainstay sector in increasing regional income, tourism marketing performance in Poso Regency has not progressed significantly. Based on this, to increase the development of the tourism sector, tourism development efforts in Poso District prioritize increasing tourism marketing and tourist satisfaction programs. These programs can be implemented if supported by cooperation between the public sector, the tourism industry and the community. Thus, the tourism sector in Poso Regency can have a high level of quality development. Because the biggest weakness that affects the tourism image of Poso Regency lies in tourist satisfaction. Which means, the weak performance of the satisfaction program in Poso Regency has resulted in the image of tourism being unable to increase visits and convince tourists to return again. Based on the survey results, this research raises how to improve tourism marketing in implementing a combination strategy of marketing, tourist satisfaction programs and tourism image. The location of this research was conducted in Poso Regency because the survey results show that in tourism marketing, the government in Poso Regency has not shown satisfactory results and attractive imaging in marketing its tourism products.


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How to Cite

Tourism Image Analysis using Tourism Marketing Strategies and Tourist Satisfaction Programs in Poso Regency. (2021). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 9(3).

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