Leadership in Self-organized Systems: Squaring the Circle or a New Kind of Responsibility?


  • Christoph Minnig
  • Peter Zaengl University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland, School of Social Work, Institute Consulting, Coaching an Social Management




self organization, responsible leadership, hierarchy and heterarchy, social economy


Current changes in society, in particular globalization, demographic trends, and changes in the labour market, have far-reaching implications for how we live and work together. Common social problems, for instance, are becoming more complex and new problematic situations continually arise. With cuts in the social sector and increasing demands for efficiency and effectiveness, overall conditions are becoming worse. Faced with these developments, social security systems are increasingly pushed to the limit and are forced to redefine their areas of responsibility. In addition, we must take account the issue of crowding-out processes in the social sphere. Large, mostly internationally operating enterprises for example are increasingly receiving performance contracts from governments in the areas of elderly care or immigrant services. It is also apparent that social service organizations are overloaded and that their established structures and historically evolved market positions are eroding. In the current discussion, we have to find answers to at least two questions within the context of developing organizations:

1.             How should we build organizations so that they are able to withstand or handle these challenges?

2.             How can we define the role of leadership in these organizations?

First, we will discuss the concept of responsibility. We will then describe the different challenges that organizations face, particularly in the social sector. Based on Frederic Laloux’s (2014) model of “Evolutionary Organizations,†we will present a critical discussion of the possibilities for responsible leadership that are available to organizations in the social sector.


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How to Cite

Leadership in Self-organized Systems: Squaring the Circle or a New Kind of Responsibility?. (2019). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 7(3). https://doi.org/10.24203/ajbm.v7i3.5812

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