The Improvement in the Competitiveness of Traditional Lurik Cloth through the Utilization of Intellectual Property Rights


  • Dr. Triyanto Civic Education Dept., Faculty of Education [Program Studi PPKn-FKIP] UNIVERSITAS SEBELAS MARET


improvement, competitiveness, traditional lurik woven cloth, and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)


Lurik is one of the Indonesian indigenous traditional woven types of cloth. This objective of this article is to describe the utilization of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) to improve the competitiveness of traditional lurik woven cloth through the use of industrial trademark and design. The use of industrial trademark and design is able to improve the selling point of traditional lurik woven cloth.

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How to Cite

The Improvement in the Competitiveness of Traditional Lurik Cloth through the Utilization of Intellectual Property Rights. (2013). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 1(4).

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