Emerging Impacts of Smartphone: An Exploratory Study


  • Chiang-nan Chao st. john's university, new York, usa




mobile commerce, mcommerce, electronic commerce, ecommerce


Smartphones has provided their users many niches, particularly for mobile commerce, known as mcommerce. As smartphone penetration around the globe, it has rapidly altered the phone users and the market places, as US mobile devices have penetrated more than 80% of the population in 2017. The average adult daily usage of mobile devices outpaced personal computers for the first time, and the users have conducted more commerce activities on their mobile devices than on their personal computers. As a result, predicted by eMarketer, US mcommerce will be a half of the total ecommerce by 2022. The marketers realize that they can better find their customers on the move, and enable them to better target these customers for their products. This research, through an empirical survey, focuses on the smartphone user behavior. The research results provide some useful insights for marketers in their future marketing endeavors.

Author Biography

Chiang-nan Chao, st. john's university, new York, usa

Chiang-nan Chao, PhD, Professor of Management, earned his MBA from Lamar University, and his Ph.D. in Supply Chain Management and International Business from Arizona State University. His articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, conference presentations, and case studies, etc. have published in many leading journals and conferences, i.e., Journal of World Business, the Journal of Supply Chain Management, the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, the Journal of Strategic Marketing, the Journal of Education for Business, the Industrial Marketing Management, Organizations and People, Journal of Teaching in International Business, etc.


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How to Cite

Chao, C.- nan. (2018). Emerging Impacts of Smartphone: An Exploratory Study. Asian Journal of Business and Management, 6(3). https://doi.org/10.24203/ajbm.v6i3.5310


