Jaystudent Mystery Calling Experiments in Higher Education


  • Katalin Jäckel Budapest Business School Hungary 1165 Budapest Diosy Lajos u. 22-24.
  • Heitler Lehoczky Mária Budapest Business School, Faculty of International Management and Business,22-24 Diósy Lajos street, Budapest


higher education, jaystudent, experimental research


There is a strong relationship between buyers’ perceived risk and their satisfaction in out-of-standard situations of services. The customer-specific feature of these situations has been modelled as jaycustomers, i.e. customers of nonstandard behaviour. In education - due to students’ expectations - the control of different situations is of high importance. The purpose of our research is to study administrative staff’s behaviour when they find themselves face-to-face with so called ’jaystudents’. To solve the problem of research, an interdisciplinary approach of psychology and marketing is needed.

As far as methodology is concerned a basically qualitative experimental design has been selected with some quantifiable elements. The research process starts with a series of mystery callings followed by post-experimental focus group discussions. In service research mystery calling is usually applied for testing standards. As a new methodological approach of our research, the application of experimental techniques in exceptional service frontline situations can be mentioned.

From managerial aspects the results can provide the management with realistic information on the weaknesses of frontline personnel and of frontline standards. They can serve to improve human resource management in higher education. Based on the results we are going to extend the investigations to face-to-face contexts.



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How to Cite

Jaystudent Mystery Calling Experiments in Higher Education. (2013). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 1(4). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJBM/article/view/495

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