Home and Host Country effect on Human Resource Management Practices: A Comparative Study


  • Mohammad Khasro Miah Professor, Department of Management, School of Business and Economics (ACBSP accredited), North South University
  • Noor-E- Hasnin Lecturer, Department of Management, School of Business and Economics, (ACBSP accredited) North South University


HRM practices, National and Corporate Culture, Japanese Subsidiaries/ Joint ventures, Bangladesh Local Companies


This study endeavors to exhibit the impact of national and corporate culture on various managers and employees at Japanese subsidiaries/ joint ventures (JVCs) andBangladeshi Local Companies (BLCs) in Bangladesh. The main objective of this study is to identify how JVCs adopted distinctive HRM practices that intensified the way of flat organization system amongBangladeshi employees of the firms.  Results show that the HRM practices of the JVCs were more strongly influenced by its home country culture, than by thehost country’s nationalculture. Finally, based on the results of qualitative evidence of comprehensive interview, a theorizedprototypical of buildinghorizontal HRMpractices in Japanese subsidiaries/ joint ventures were proposed.


Author Biography

  • Noor-E- Hasnin, Lecturer, Department of Management, School of Business and Economics, (ACBSP accredited) North South University
    Miss Noor-E-Hasnin is a Lecturer in School of Business and Economics of the Department of Management, of North South University. She has been teaching here at the undergraduate level since January 2012. Miss Hasnin was awarded the Bachelor’s Degree by North South University, Bangladesh and Master’s Degree in Management with International Finance by University of Glasgow, UK in 2010 and 2011 respectively. She teaches the courses of Organizational Management and Human Resource Management in the BBA Program. In addition to teaching, Miss Hasnin has a research interest in areas of Strategic Human Resource Management focusing primarily on training and development. Apart from that her research interest also includes Ethical Practices in the Workplace.


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How to Cite

Home and Host Country effect on Human Resource Management Practices: A Comparative Study. (2016). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 4(2). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJBM/article/view/3575

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