University Staff Adaption: An Empirical Study using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Extended Technology Acceptance Model II (Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia)


  • Wael Sh. Basri Dr. Wael Sh. Basri Northern Border University, College of Business Administration College of Business Administration, ArAr. Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia, Academic Staff, MIS, TAM, UTAUT, Education and ICT Adaption


Whenever institutions aspire to implement ICT systems, there are preliminary considerations to ponder for overall success. This paper examine ICT from the context of Northern Border University in Saudi Arabia, the paper has identified user variables for acceptance of ICT as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, age, voluntariness of use, experience and training of the users. This paper has discussed each variable before concluding with affirmation of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM2) under Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) as a recommendation for all University leaders to adopt. The considerations of these variables are alive to possibilities that different institutions could be having unique challenges. However, the UTAUT is really a baseline for such institutions with room for modifications.

Author Biography

  • Wael Sh. Basri, Dr. Wael Sh. Basri Northern Border University, College of Business Administration College of Business Administration, ArAr. Saudi Arabia

    Assistance Professor

    Business administration

    Information Technology managemnt

    Dean of Admission and Registeration

    Northern Border University


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How to Cite

University Staff Adaption: An Empirical Study using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Extended Technology Acceptance Model II (Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia). (2015). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 3(5).

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