The Role of the Intellectual Capital in Raising the Performance of Employees in the Commercial Banks in Saudi Arabia


  • Wael Sh. Basri Northern Border University, College of Business Administration


Human capital, Intellectual capital, Performance, Relational capital, Structural capita


This research aims to measure the extent of the impact of the policy of the commercial banks by the intellectual capital with its three components: the human, structural, and relational based on different authors’ perspectives, and the results of many researches and studies in this area. The research adopted the questionnaire as a study tool to collect data from the study sample consisting of a group of employees in the commercial banks at Northern Border district. The study findings showed that there is a positive relationship of both: the bank’s policy and performance, which are affected by the intellectual capital in a relatively moderate way. The research recommends indeed raising the technical level of employees, improving systems and procedures, supporting innovation, developing the leadership personality of banks’ employees, following the policy of attracting customers, and finally increasing the stocks and shares of banks in the financial market.

Author Biography

Wael Sh. Basri, Northern Border University, College of Business Administration

Northern Border University, College of Business Administration 
College of Business Administration, ArAr. Saudi Arabia 

Dr. Basri. is currently the Dean of Admission and Registration working, also he
is working as Assistance Professor in College of Business Administration in
Northern Border University. He holds bachelor’s degree in from college of Science, MPA in  Public Administration, Management and Information Technology, PhD in Business Administration  & Management and Information Technology. His area of expertise includes Management and Information Technology , strategic Management, Human Resource Development and
Training, and communication and information Management. My research is focused on Information and communication Management, Human Recourse
Training, Strategic Planning, and Academic Accreditation. Having long been
interested in development my current research Activities re-oriented toward
higher education enhancement throughout information technology and information and communication technology management.



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How to Cite

Basri, W. S. (2015). The Role of the Intellectual Capital in Raising the Performance of Employees in the Commercial Banks in Saudi Arabia. Asian Journal of Business and Management, 3(4). Retrieved from


