Service Quality Dimensions and Customer Satisfaction in Telecommunication Companies


  • Anwar Adulalem Alhkami Researcher in University Science and Technology
  • Ali Saleh Alarussi Dean of Business and Finance International University of Technology Twintech


Service Quality, SERVQUAL model, Telecommunication, Customers


The purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the affect of service quality dimensions on the customers’ satisfaction in Telecommunication companies in Yemen. These dimensions are tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. By using five Likert scale, a set of questionnaire was distributed to 400 customers who are currently using the telecommunication companies’ services in Yemen. Linear regression analysis is used to examine the association between the service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction. The results showed that almost the majority of the customers satisfied with services provided by telecommunication companies and all the service quality dimensions are positively and significantly associated with customers’ satisfaction. The finding of this paper may help telecommunication companies to maintain their customers and to enhance its performance.

Author Biography

  • Ali Saleh Alarussi, Dean of Business and Finance International University of Technology Twintech

    Associate prof. Dr. Ali Saleh Alarussi, International Accounting, Malaysia

    Visiting Professor in UUM


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How to Cite

Service Quality Dimensions and Customer Satisfaction in Telecommunication Companies. (2016). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 4(3).

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