Supply Chain Management: A Competitive Advantage Evaluation


  • Ali Iftikhar Choudhary Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute Of Information Technology
  • Hassan Ansari
  • Affanuddin Ahmed
  • Asad Afzal Hammayun


It is the right time to understand the draw backs of the current natural resources  supply management, plan and implement some radical changes  as the current oil  supply chain business model is no longer sustainable and is set to collapse in the near future unless some drastic changes are made overall. The researcher seek to suggest a supply chain management model for the oil  industry considering the changing needs and demands of the industry, the ideal and effective practices that are prevailing successfully in other supply chain management focused industries. The global oil industry is highly exposed to various risks. For an efficient supply chain management efficient supply chain risk management measures should be applied. Contingency plans should be developed and aligned in advance. The supply chain operation should be made agile so that they can cater the potential risk associated with the business. A centralized supply chain is applied and recommended for OGDC, it is essential to maintain a cooperative and interactive culture with partners and to have the most advanced technology applications. Oil industry will need to be flexible towards the application of new technological innovations and to adapt to these modifications in the most rapid way possible.



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How to Cite

Supply Chain Management: A Competitive Advantage Evaluation. (2014). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 2(6).