The Impact of Consumer’s Perceived Deception on Brand Trust, Brand Affect, and Brand Loyalty: Deceptive Tactics as an Impediment to Consumer Trust


  • Muhammad Kashif Javed Business School, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610065
  • Zhineng Hu
  • Jiuping Xu
  • Abid Hussain Nadeem


Brand trust, Perceived deception, Brand affect, Brand loyalty, Structural equation modeling


Data have been collected in the electronics sector among 310 real consumers concerning their perceptions of deception and how these impact their reactions, in terms of brand trust, brand affect, and brand loyalty. A hypothetical framework is developed and tested. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to test the proposed relationships. This paper analyzes the relation between brand trust, affect, and loyalty at product level, and consumer’s perceived deception at corporate level. The results showing that there is a negative relationship between consumers’ perceived deception and brand trust. But brand trust has positive influence on brand affect and brand loyalty. Further, brand affect also positively relate to brand loyalty. This research conï¬rmed that high levels of perceived deception decreases consumer trust toward a brand, which ï¬nally has negative impact on brand loyalty. The managerial implications of the outcomes are also discussed.



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How to Cite

The Impact of Consumer’s Perceived Deception on Brand Trust, Brand Affect, and Brand Loyalty: Deceptive Tactics as an Impediment to Consumer Trust. (2014). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 2(6).

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