Analysis of Religious Affiliation and Workplace Attitude as Predictors on Employees’ Job Commitment: A Perspective from a Public University in Malaysia


  • Arman Hadi Abdul Manaf Open University Malaysia
  • Abdullah Osman School of Business Innovation and Technopreneurship Universiti Malaysia Perlis
  • Muhammad Safizal Abdullah School of Business Innovation and Technopreneurship Universiti Malaysia Perlis
  • Latifah Abdul Latif School of Educational Studies Universiti Sains Malaysia


Religiosity, Workplace attitude, Job commitment


Employees (N = 60) from a public university in the Northern Region of Malaysia participated in this study aimed at examining the level of religiosity and describing their workplace attitude to determine the level of commitment to their employer. The increased importance of religiosity and work attitude in the workplace environment served as a motivation of this study especially in the perspective of Malaysia. Religiosity is closely associated to the act of kindness, trust and honesty toward co-workers. Also, most studies claimed that workplace attitude enhances job commitment. A regression analysis is used to examine the relation among selected variables. The results showed that religiosity, workplace attitude are significantly influenced on positive job commitment outcomes in this study.

Author Biography

  • Arman Hadi Abdul Manaf, Open University Malaysia

    Deputy Director

    Pulau Pinang Learning Centre


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How to Cite

Analysis of Religious Affiliation and Workplace Attitude as Predictors on Employees’ Job Commitment: A Perspective from a Public University in Malaysia. (2014). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 2(5).

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