Tourist Expectation, Perceived Quality and Destination Image: Effects on Perceived Value and Satisfaction of Tourists Visiting langkawi Island, Malaysia


  • Nor Khasimah Aliman Faculty of Business Management Universiti Teknologi MARA (Perak)
  • Shareena Mohamed Hashim
  • Siti Dalela Mohd Wahid
  • Syahmi Harudin


Destination Image, Expectations, Perceived Quality, Perceived Value, Satisfaction


This article provides an overview of a study that identified the effects of tourist expectations, perceived quality, destination image on perceived value and tourist satisfaction. The target population were tourists visiting Langkawi in 2013. Questionnaires were distributed to 500 visitors who were selected using convenience sampling method. The 482 usable data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results from factor analysis revealed that all items used to measure the five constructs emerged into five factors (F1 = Tourist Satisfaction, F2 = Destination Image, F3 = Perceived Quality, F4 = Tourist Expectations and F5 = Perceived Value). The regression analysis outcomes indicated that all the three predictors (tourist expectations, perceived quality and destination image) had positive significant relationships with perceived value and satisfaction. Destination image prevailed as the most important antecedent of perceived value and tourist satisfaction. In addition, perceived value was found to have positive significant relationship with tourist satisfaction. Several implications and managerial actions are also outlined.

Author Biography

  • Nor Khasimah Aliman, Faculty of Business Management Universiti Teknologi MARA (Perak)
    Public University


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How to Cite

Tourist Expectation, Perceived Quality and Destination Image: Effects on Perceived Value and Satisfaction of Tourists Visiting langkawi Island, Malaysia. (2014). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 2(3).

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