The Impact of Proper Marketing Communication Channels on Consumer’s Behavior and Segmentation Consumers


  • Tan Kai Hun HELP College of Art and Technology
  • Rashad Yazdanifard


It is important for a marketers to understand consumer behavior in order to analyze the market opportunity, target the right customers segmentation and more definite in decision making in order to achieve company objectives. This paper illustrates the roles of marketing communication impact on consumer behavior and segmentation consumer. Marketing communication has played an important role to communicate with consumers by using online or offline marketing communication tools to deliver the messages. It could be more effective when marketers could categories their customers as generational segmentation because marketer could use the most effective and appropriate marketing communication channel to communicate with different generations of consumers.

Author Biography

  • Tan Kai Hun, HELP College of Art and Technology
    Center of Southern New Hampshire University Programs


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How to Cite

The Impact of Proper Marketing Communication Channels on Consumer’s Behavior and Segmentation Consumers. (2014). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 2(2).