The Development of Mathematical Learning Models that Utilize Multiple Intelligence of Junior High School Children in Takalar District


  • Karmila Karmila Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
  • Hamzah Upu Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
  • Suwardi Anas Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia



Model Book, Multiple Intelligence, Thiaragan (4D)


This research is development research which aims to develop mathematics learning device based on project with role playing method in social Arithmetic material in class VII at SMP which is valid, practical and effective. The referred learning devices cover: (1) lesson plan, (2) student’s book, (3) project worksheet, and (4) assessment sheet. The model of development device which was used in this research adopted from Plomp which covered five stages, namely: (1) pre-investigation, (2) design, (3) realization/construct, (4) test, evaluation, and revision, and (5) implementation. However, this research was conducted until stage (4) so that the result only obtained the final prototype of a learning device which was ready to be implemented widely. After testing the validity and reliability, the whole components of the learning device and instrument (prototype) were stated as valid and reliable with minor revision. Thus, revision and correction were done based on the suggestions from the experts and obtained prototype II, and then tested. The testing process was done to produce practical and effective device. In testing process, the device which was produced had already been practical because all aspect in the device component mostly implemented. The device also considered effective because the students’ activity had fulfilled the set criteria, the teachers’ ability in learning management was in high category, mostly the students gave positive response toward the learning based on project with role playing method in social arithmetic material, and all the students had reached the minimum mastery criteria. Thus, the developed learning device fulfilled the terms of appropriateness, practical and effectiveness. Based on the implications of the result of this research it is suggested that: (1) the researchers who wish to develop further study, are expected to notice the research limitations, so that the next research can complete the result of this study, and (2) the development of the learning device such this type should done to other topics to make students interested, enjoy, and active, which can construct their knowledge in learning Mathematics.


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How to Cite

The Development of Mathematical Learning Models that Utilize Multiple Intelligence of Junior High School Children in Takalar District. (2022). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(3).

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