The Validity and Effectiveness of the Islamic Education Learning Model based on Quantum Teaching in Improving Students’ Social Skills
Quantum Teaching, Validity, Effectiveness, Social SkillAbstract
Social skills are an aspect that is no less important than cognitive aspects. This aspect must also receive equal priority in the educational environment. For this reason, this study aims to investigate the level of validity and effectiveness of the Quantum teaching-based Islamic Religious Education learning model to improve students’ social skills. This research is part of research and development conducted at SMA Negeri 19 Makassar, Indonesia, involving 42 students and 5 experts. The instruments used in this study were validation sheets and social skills questionnaires which were then analyzed quantitatively. Data from the validation process were analyzed to determine the average score while the data from the social skills questionnaire were analyzed with the help of SPSS 20.00 software by running a t-test. The results of the study indicate that this learning model has a high level of validity based on the assessment of experts on the content validity test. In addition, this quantum teaching-based the Islamic education (PAI) learning model has also proven effective in improving students’ social skills based on the results of the t-test by comparing the scores of pretests and posttest. With these results, this learning model can be used for a broader range of users.
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