Attitude of Coastal Communities on Mangrove Forest Management: A Phenomenological Study from Bulukumba Regency, Indonesia
Attitude, Coastal, Community, Mangrove,Abstract
Mangrove forests play a vital role in the survival of humans, animals, and plants in coastal areas. However, in reality, the mangrove area is getting more and more damaged due to human activities. This study aims to explore the attitudes of coastal communities in managing sustainable mangrove forests in both production and ecological functions. The design used in this study is a qualitative design with a phenomenological approach that does not aim to seek generalization but to explore in-depth information about the attitudes of coastal communities towards mangrove forest management. This study involved 31 participants consisting of government officials to coastal communities. Data was collected through research instruments in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. After the data is collected, it is then analyzed using an interactive analysis model. The results show that coastal communities in Bulukumba district, Indonesia, have realized the importance of mangrove forests. They have participated in managing the mangrove forest based on the direction of the local government, which has implemented the mangrove forest replanting program.
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