The Effect of Residues of Plant Rotation Patterns with Cover Crop Legums on Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics and Corn Products During Two Seasons of Planting


  • Matheus Rupa Agricultural of Polytechnic
  • Donatus Kantur Departemen of Dryland Agriculture Management, State Agricultural Polytechnic Kupang, Indonesia
  • Masria Departemen of Dryland Agriculture Management, State Agricultural Polytechnic Kupang, Indonesia



Rotation pattern, residual effect, Legumes cover crop, soil organic carbon, Corn Results


This study aimed to estimate wherewith the residual effect of the crop rotation pattern with the cover crop lagoon on the dynamics of soil organic carbon and maize yield during the two growing seasons in the Kupang region of Indonesia. The treatments evaluated were: maize rotation pattern with several types of seasonal legume cover crops and how to return the legume biomass. The results showed a very significant increase in soil organic carbon and maize yield. The rotation pattern with legumes P. lunatus, M. pririens and C. juncea had a statistically significant effect on increasing soil organic carbon storage and maize yield during the two growing seasons. These three types of legumes still have a positive effect until the second planting season where there is an increase in soil organic carbon storage (at a depth of 0-30 cm) of 0.75-1.19 % C-organic (82.08 to 84.38 t.ha-1 soil carbon storage) compared to C.chayan and control treatment which decreased soil organic carbon storage was greater. About maize yields, up to PS- 2 still showed relatively stable results, namely only a decrease in maize yield (kg.ha-1) of 3.14% -4.19% compared to C. chayan which decreased yields of 15% and without control rotation ) with a reduction in yield of up to 30% . The method of restoring the cover crop legume biomass with the mulching technique was able to increase soil organic carbon storage by 0.71%, and the yield of dry shelled maize (kg.ha-1) on PS-2 only decreased yield by 2.48% compared to the immersion method which reduced the yield up to 11, 02%. This study found that the rotation pattern does not need to be done every planting season. Still, it is sufficient to do it in intervals of two to three growing seasons. The residual effect can significantly guarantee the maintenance of organic carbon stocks in the soil. With the assurance of soil organic carbon stores coupled with proper management, soil productivity is maintained and sustainable. When soil organic carbon increases, it can benefit maize and other food crops.


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How to Cite

The Effect of Residues of Plant Rotation Patterns with Cover Crop Legums on Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics and Corn Products During Two Seasons of Planting. (2020). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(5).

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