Variability between socio-cultural groups and generations of traditional knowledge of the use of Euphorbia poissonii Pax in Benin


  • Gbodja Houéhanou François GBESSO Université Nationale d'Agriculture (UNA), Bénin
  • Jhonn Logbo 1Horticultural Research and GreenSpace Planning Unit - Laboratory of Plant, Horticultural and Forestry Sciences -School of Horticulture and Green Space Management (EHAEV) - National University of Agriculture (UNA) - BP 43 Kétou - Bénin
  • Jacques Evrard Charles Aguia Daho Plant Biotechnology Research Unit, Crop Production and Seed Science - Laboratory of Plant, Horticultural and Forestry Sciences -School of Plant and Seed Management and Productions - National University of Agriculture (UNA) - BP 43 Kétou - Bénin



Euphorbia poissonii, endogenous knowledge, medicinal use, ethnic groups, Savalou


This study was conducted in the Municipality of Savalou to assess endogenous knowledge related to the use of Euphorbia poissonii in the Mahi and Nago ethnic groups. The survey was conducted through individual interviews with 112 people. The Relative Frequency, the Use Value, Fidelity and Cultural Importance index were used to assess the importance of each use. Correspondence analysis (CA) was used to describe the relationship between the categories of use and ethnicities and between the parts used of the plant and the ethnics groups. The analysis showed that the plant, Euphorbia poissonii, falls under three levels of major medicinal use, including: medicinal use of the stem, sap and leaf, which is the most common practice of the Mahi sociocultural group (UV=1.58) like Nago (UV=1.35). It helps to effectively treat measles (FL=23.08), incurable wounds (FL=22.30) and scorpion sting (FL=22.30). Powder, infusion and decoction are the forms of preparation of the products most used by the skin. The two socio-cultural groups all hold and effectively various knowledge of the use of different derivatives of the plant. The importance and increasing use of Euphorbia poissonii puts this plant under various pressures and threats from the population and it has no conservation measures to this day. Finally, this study not only alerts but also provides a scientific basis to define strategies for the conservation and protection of this neglected species.

Author Biography

  • Gbodja Houéhanou François GBESSO, Université Nationale d'Agriculture (UNA), Bénin


    Université Nationale d'Agriculture (UNA), Bénin

    Ecole d'Horticulture et d'Aménagement des Espaces Verts (EHAEV)


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How to Cite

Variability between socio-cultural groups and generations of traditional knowledge of the use of Euphorbia poissonii Pax in Benin. (2020). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(3).

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