The Modifying Factor of Lead Exposure Time with Blood Lead Levels on Adulterated Paint Worker


  • Diah Lestari Health Polytechnic of Jakarta III Jakarta, Indonesia)
  • Angki Purwanti Health Polytechnic of Jakarta III Jakarta, Indonesia)



Modifying Effect, Exposure Time, Relationship Strength, Blood Lead Levels


The modifying factor for exposure time for paint workers who work more than 8 hours / day have abnormal blood lead levels> 10 μg / dl. Lead exposure to paint workers occurs when mixing paints, mostly through air, skin, through food and drinks. The longer the work, the more the amount of lead exposure received, although the amount of lead absorbed by the body is only small, this metal turns out to be very dangerous and can cause health problems due to the buildup of lead in the body. The presence of lead (Pb) in the blood can cause severe and dangerous effects including interfering with the hematopoietic system, a long exposure can disrupt the gastrointestinal system, central nervous system, immune system, kidneys. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship and closeness of the relationship between the modification factors of exposure time with blood lead levels of adulterated paint workers in the area of East Jakarta. The research method uses primary data through an analytic observational cross-sectional design approach. Sampling is done by non-probability sampling with consecutive sampling techniques. The correlation test used was the Spearman test with a confidence level of 95%. The results of the research found that the average exposure time of adulterated paint workers was 48.9 hours/week exceeding the permissible work time, and the exposure time >40 hours/week was 77.5% of the number of respondents. The average blood lead level was 0.15 mg/L, with the highest blood lead level 0.45 mg/L and workers with exposure times> 40 hours/week obtained blood lead levels exceeding the safe reference limit (40 mg/L) of 19.4%. The conclusion is that there is a significant relationship between duration of exposure and lead level of adulterated paint workers (p-value = 0.029) and shows the moderate closeness of the relationship with the direction of a positive relationship. The value of r = 0.346, means that the longer the person is exposed to lead, the higher the level of lead in the blood of adulterated paint  workers. The discussion of modification factors of exposure time in adulterated paint workers can influence lead exposure continuously, in the long term, absorption of lead in the body 99% which is bound to erythrocytes will accumulate in the blood, then it is distributed into the blood which is 90% binding to cells red blood cells (erythrocytes), and the rest are bound to blood plasma. Once absorbed, the lead will be stored in the blood for 35 days. For 8 hours, a worker can absorb up to 400 μg and add 20 - 30 μg / day from food, drinks, and air. The presence of lead in blood represents a reflection of the dynamic continuity between exposure, absorption, distribution, and excretion, so that it is one indicator to know and follow ongoing exposure.

Keywords : Modifying Effect, Exposure Time, Relationship Strength, Blood Lead Levels

Author Biographies

Diah Lestari, Health Polytechnic of Jakarta III Jakarta, Indonesia)

Medical Technic Laboratory

Angki Purwanti, Health Polytechnic of Jakarta III Jakarta, Indonesia)

Medical Technic Laboratory


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How to Cite

Lestari, D., & Purwanti, A. (2020). The Modifying Factor of Lead Exposure Time with Blood Lead Levels on Adulterated Paint Worker. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(2).


