Dominant Risk Factors of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) for HIV at Ships Crew


  • Rizana Fajrunni'mah Health Polytechnic of Jakarta III
  • Diah Lestari



Risk factors for STIs, HIV, ships crew


Results of risk behavior surveys show that truck drivers, sailors and fishermen and other port workers include frequent workers moving the place or mobile (mobile population) is due to the nature of the work, and is a group that is prone to contracting HIV due to sexual behavior. Access to Sex Workers at the port is considered easier compared to other groups, because it can be obtained directly or indirectly through intermediaries. This study aims to determine the most dominant risk factors for sexually transmitted infections against HIV incidence in crew in the Tanjung Priok Port area. The study used a quantitative design, design cross sectional with 60 respondent. Primary data was collected through an anti-HIV questionnaire and examination.

The results showed that the risk factors for STIs that were associated with HIV incidence were variables of sex with non-permanent partners, frequent partner changes, number of sex partners, and buying sex. There was no relationship between the frequency of sex, condom use, alcohol consumption and the incidence of HIV. The dominant factor is often changing partners with OR 32,173. This research is expected to be useful as a source of information and able to improve the quality of education and assistance provided by health workers to the community, especially ABK for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections.


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How to Cite

Dominant Risk Factors of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) for HIV at Ships Crew. (2019). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(5).

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