Multi-area Economic Dispatch with GUPFC using Improved Bat Algorithm


  • S Vijay Raj Research Scholar, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Annamalai University,
  • R. K. Santhi Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Annamalai University, Chidambaram.


GUPFC, Multi-fuel active power cost, Multi-fuel reactive power cost Multi-fuel emissions, GUPFC installation cost, Transmission loss, Improved bat algorithm


This paper presents an Improved bat algorithm for the multi area multi-fuel economic–emission dispatch problem. it implements many objectives to be better concealed by in operation constraints and device limits. The formulation of  practical generation cost consists cost of reactive power generation, shunt power injections, and total power losses, along with the conventional active power generation cost. An objective based on the concept of multi-fuel emissions makes the problem more practical, and a generalized unified power flow controller (GUPFC) is considered. An  improved bat algorithm is used to solve the multi-objective problem on the standard IEEE-30 bus.


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Chintalapudi V. Suresh • S. Sivanagaraju • J. Viswanatha Rao Multi-area Multi-fuel Economic–Emission Dispatch Using a Generalized Unified Power Flow Controller Under Practical Constraints, Arab J Sci Eng (2015) 40:531–549.





How to Cite

Multi-area Economic Dispatch with GUPFC using Improved Bat Algorithm. (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(5).

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