Extraction Rates of Oils of Some Seeds by using Different Speeds of the Centrifuge


  • Mutaman A. Kehail
  • Ragda A. Mohamed
  • Yasir M. Abdelrahim
  • Nasir A. Ibrahim Faculty of Science, University of Hail


Centrifuge has been introduced as a rapid method for extraction of oil from plant parts in addition to conserve time, solvent and energy. The aim of this study is to evaluate the extraction rate of oils from some oil-seeds (Groundnut and Sesame) by using three speeds (low, medium and the high speed) of the Centrifuge (model: 80-1, Made in China) using hexane solvent, and to determine the quality characteristics of the extracted oils. The seeds were crushed and kept in plastic bags in order not to lose the oil. The estimation of the extraction percentage was depended on the weight of the sample before and after the extraction at any time for each speed. The results showed that, the extract reached mean of 45% from Groundnut seeds (100% extraction) within 18 minutes at a rate of 2.31% extract/minute, using only 18 ml of hexane. The extract reached mean of 45% from Sesame seeds (100% extraction) within 18 minutes at a rate of 1.91% extract/minute, using 18 ml of hexane. The physical and chemical properties of the extracted Groundnut and Sesame oils were relatively similar to their standards it was clear that, in all cases, the high the speed used in the Centrifuge; the high was the percentage oil extract. The study recommends continuing researches on centrifugation principle to improve oil extraction methods.


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How to Cite

Extraction Rates of Oils of Some Seeds by using Different Speeds of the Centrifuge. (2017). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(6). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/4230