Methods of Reducing the Fate and Transport of Nutrients from Agricultural Fields


  • Abdikani Abdullahi Mo'allim UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA
  • M. K. Rowshon


Nutrients, Water-saving irrigation, drainage control, cycling irrigation, Agro-chemicals.


Control of pollutant loading is an important issue with respect to environmental conservation, and the loading of nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural areas is well known to be a major contributor to the accelerated eutrophication of rivers and lakes which lead to harm human health. Also, leaching is the main cause of chemical losses from surface to sub-surface. Thus, it is vital to understand nutrient leaching from paddy fields. From the reviewed literature, there is a need to reduce the fate and transport of agro-chemicals from agricultural fields particularly from paddy fields. However, nutrient loss through surface and sub-surface drainage could be achieved by adapting several techniques, this includes: water-saving system (WSI), drainage control (DC), and recycling irrigation system (RI). 

Author Biography

  • Abdikani Abdullahi Mo'allim, UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA


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How to Cite

Methods of Reducing the Fate and Transport of Nutrients from Agricultural Fields. (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(5).

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