Nutritional Performances of Diet Made with Soya/Maize and ‘Pistachio’/Rice in the Rehabilitation of Underfed Rats


  • Kouakou Egnon K. V.
  • Meité Alassane
  • Bouafou G.M Kouamé
  • Kouame K Gustave
  • Kati Coulibaly Séraphin


nutritional efficiency, rehabilitation, Anagobaka, malnutrition


The aim of this work is to compare the nutritional efficiency of two rehabilitation diets made with soya/maize (SOMA) and ‘pistachio’/rice (PIRI) to a control diet (Plumpynut) on underfed young rats. This malnutrition was caused by "Anagobaka" which contains 2.04 % of protein. The underfed rats have been fed with the diets SOMA, PIRI and Plumpynut. The chemical analysis has revealed that Plumpynut contains 15.29 ± 0.07% of protein with an energetic value of 574.40±3.2kcal. As for the diet soya/maize, the content in protein and energy are respectively 14.97±0.6%and 570.19±4.0 kcal. Concerning the diet pistachio/rice, the content are 15.26±0.1% of protein and 570.16±5.0 kcal of energy. Rats fed with the diets soya/maize and pistachio /maize have respectively got a consumption of 7.01±0.93g/day and 5.45±0,16g/day, a growth in weight of 2.82±0.73g/day and   2.03±0.48g/day with real digestibility of 89.48±1.16 % and 96.16±0.37%. The Net protein used of SOMA and PIRI are respectively 90.25±0.24% and 96.22±0.42% and that of the biologic value are 91.21±0.22% and 96.58±0.42%. The results show that experiment diets have similar performances, even superior to those of Plumpynut.


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How to Cite

Nutritional Performances of Diet Made with Soya/Maize and ‘Pistachio’/Rice in the Rehabilitation of Underfed Rats. (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(5).

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