Business Analysis of Intensive Fish Farming with Aquaponic Systemusing Probiotic and Biofertilizer from Gracilaria sp. Seaweed Waste


  • Mochammad Amin Alamsjah Universitas Airlangga
  • Prayogo, Lakshmi Sulmartiwi
  • Kustiawan Tri Pursetyo


enrichment product, probiotic, biofertilizer, Gracilaria sp. waste, aquaponic


The aim of the research is to transfer knowledge about enrichment product of probiotic and biofertilizer and analysis of technology engineering of Gracilaria sp. waste as probiotic and biofertilizer in intensive fish farming with aquaponic system. The business analysis showed the optimization of technology engineering of seaweed waste processing in intensive fish farming with aquaponic system. The survival rate of fish with enrichment product of probiotic and biofertilizer was recorded at 83.3% while the survival rate of fish without enrichment product of probiotic and biofertilizer only reached 66.7%. The technology engineering of seaweed waste as probiotic and biofertilizer could save water usage up to 20 times from originally 400 m3/10 months into 20 m3/10 months. However, there was no differences in the amount of harvested water spinach which was 25 kg/cycle. Finally, this system showed better values ​​of cash flow, R / C ratio, payback period and break-even points compared to those in aquaponic system without enrichment product of probiotic and biofertilizer from Gracilaria sp. seaweed waste.

Author Biography

  • Mochammad Amin Alamsjah, Universitas Airlangga
    Marine Department


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How to Cite

Business Analysis of Intensive Fish Farming with Aquaponic Systemusing Probiotic and Biofertilizer from Gracilaria sp. Seaweed Waste. (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(2).

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