Forecasting Stability of the Stock and Credit Markets of Ukraine


  • Kostyantyn Stryzhychenko


stability, financial market, index, trajectory, dynamics, attractor


In the current work we analyze the stability of the development of Ukrainian financial market segments. The stability theory and non-linear analysis are the mathematical tools of the investigation. In the article we used three types of stability. There are Lagrange stabiilty, Poisson stability and Lyapunov stability. The stability indexes show unstable trajectories for the trend of stock and credit segments by Lagrange. Poisson stability recognizes stable cyclic components in the dynamic of credit market. Ukrainian financial market was analyzed as a single system by the Lyapuniov stability that shows sustainable trajectories of both segments. We constructed attractors of each segments and forecasting stability in each attractor by investigation of the localization points.


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How to Cite

Forecasting Stability of the Stock and Credit Markets of Ukraine. (2014). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(6).

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