Productive and Reproductive Parameters in Dairy Cows and the Relationship with Ovarian Follicular Dynamics in the Puerperium


  • José Carlos dos Santos Breda Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná
  • Luiz Ernandes Kozicki
  • Alceu Miguel Grebogi
  • Romildo Romualdo Weiss
  • Melina Andrea Formighieri Bertol
  • Márcio Saporski Segui
  • José Antonio Ruiz Perez
  • Ricardo Pagnoncelli


The study aimed to evaluate follicular dynamics in postpartum dairy cows and to correlate several productive and reproductive characteristics with the pregnancy rate. Ultrasonographic examinations were performed on 34 Holstein cows every 5 days starting on day 5(d5) to d40 pp. Data regarding dominant follicles(DF), ovulatory follicles (OF), ovulation frequency, corpus luteumdiameter, luteal phase length, and other parameters were obtained. DF were observed in 17.6% of animals on d5 pp, and the incidence increased (P<0.05) at d10 and thereafter. The average diameters of the OF and corpus luteumwere 21.0 and 23.3 mm, respectively. After 40 days, 67.7% of the animals ovulated, the luteal phase length was 9.4 days, and the mean interval from calving to ovulation was 21.0 days. In conclusion, high-production dairy cows have a low frequency of ovarian activity (17.6%) and a smaller DF diameter (9.2mm) at d5ppcompared to other days (P<0.05).A significant increase in animals showing ovarian cyclicity occurred from d10 pp until d40, and the highest percentage of animals exhibited a DF on d35.The interval from calving/pregnancy(R=78.6) and the number of artificial inseminations/pregnancy(R=88.9) showed a high correlation with the pregnancy rate.


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How to Cite

Productive and Reproductive Parameters in Dairy Cows and the Relationship with Ovarian Follicular Dynamics in the Puerperium. (2014). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 2(2).

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