Shelf Life of Pineapples Stored in Syrup (Ananas cosmos L.)




pineapple, plastic jars, chemicals analysis, shelf life and sensory evaluation


Large quantities of pineapples produced in Nigeria are wasted during postharvest handling and storage leading to reduction in value and nutrient content. Lack of canning and bottling technology made storage and extension of shelf life fruits and vegetable difficult in Nigeria. This study attempts to store cubed pineapple in syrup packaged in plastic jars. Quality parameters monitored were total soluble sugars, total reducing sugar, soluble protein, titratable acidity, ash content and vitamin C. Slight decrease were observed in all the parameters mean values during storage period.  Analysis of variance was significant (P≤0.05) at the end of the sixth month.  Sensory evaluation of aroma, sweetness, colour and physical appearance were rated very good. The storage of cubed pineapples in syrup packaged in plastic jars would in no small measure reduce waste and increase the economy of pineapple farmers, marketer and consumer.


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How to Cite

Shelf Life of Pineapples Stored in Syrup (Ananas cosmos L.). (2015). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 3(1).

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