The Role of School in Inspiring School-based Democracy Education as an Effort to Apply Democracy Learning for Studies


  • Mr. Sriyono Universitas Terbuka


Key words - School – Based Democracy Education Model Democracy learning


The degree of beginner elector in a district election is a reflection of learning sociology for the students through home family learning. It effects and influences school as education institution especially high school education. District elections in many regions in Indonesia show that the understanding and political ethic need to be learned proportionally by the students as the members of society and young generation who realize the meaning of democracy. Early education for politics and democracy is a logic idea. The education can be formal and informal. It will form a dynamic understanding in anticipating era changes which is more complex. Some findings from the case study in district election in Banten showed that the involvement of most high school students as an early electors only based on the age. Generally they listed as an elector no more than as completers and hired by the party to vote them in the election.

One way to “implant†political awareness among the youth is through education at school, especially through subject of civic education. This subject aims at forming the students to be able to have critical and creative thinking, act democratically in every aspect of life, have high responsibility and also take part in making decision. Civic education covers learning laws, citizen, and politics.

Political education in civic education has main mission to guide students to understand politics. The role of school components, like students, teachers and school board support the democracy education. Developing the curriculum based on local content through the approach of model of school-based democracy education, and the existence of a Civic learning center which is used by the students to learn and share experiences concerning political culture and discuss about the meaning of democracy so that the understanding about politics become more proportional and meaningful.




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How to Cite

Sriyono, M. (2014). The Role of School in Inspiring School-based Democracy Education as an Effort to Apply Democracy Learning for Studies. Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 2(5). Retrieved from