E-learning as Strategy for Philanthropic Organization Focused on Educational Purposes in Thailand


  • Gilles Bernard


Donors, eLearning, Isaan, Philanthropy, Thailand


The objectives of this study were:  (1) To elaborate an eLearning framework integrated into donor’s activities which can fit with philanthropic organization strategies (2) To assess the eLearning framework upon feedback and suggestions provided by donors, recipients, philanthropic organizations, and philanthropic experts (3) To assess opinions of donors and philanthropic organizations running in Thailand toward the framework.

The population for the study consisted of 3 schools in the North East of Thailand, a region called Isaan. The schools were located in the villages of Kudbong, Nadee, and Serm. The sample units included 279 students aged from 13 to 18 years old, 116 donors mainly in Europe and USA who are supporting pupils mainly in Asia, 24 philanthropic organizations which are operating in Thailand, and 10 experts in philanthropy located in Europe.

The data collection instruments were: paper-based questionnaires in Thai language for Thai students and web-based questionnaires in English for donors, philanthropic organizations and experts. The data were analyzed using the statistical analysis package called PSPP and its built-in features to identify cross tabulations, statistics, and reliability test (Alpha Cronbach).

The findings were as follows: (1) On the development of an eLearning as a strategy for philanthropic organization focused on educational purposes in Thailand, it was found that the model fits with on-going trends such as student needs, donor’s mindset and shift from money to time, and philanthropic organizations objectives. The outcomes were specific key components were identified to build an effective and comprehensive eLearning framework as follow (a) social network (b) code of conduct (c) educational goals and motives (d) culture (e) modus operandi (f) eLearning technologies (g) composite capability score computed with Internet and Giving capabilities (2) Based on quantitative data and qualitative feedback, as well as opinions and suggestions from students, donors, organizations, and experts, the model was fine-tuned and updated accordingly (3) On the measuring of opinion of experts and philanthropic organizations in Thailand toward the model the findings were conclusive concerning the benefits of eLearning as a strategy for philanthropic organization focused on educational purposes.




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How to Cite

Bernard, G. (2014). E-learning as Strategy for Philanthropic Organization Focused on Educational Purposes in Thailand. Asian Journal of Education and E-Learning, 2(3). Retrieved from https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJEEL/article/view/1310


