<i>Aedes aegypti </i>Mosquito Breeding in Various Water Media (A Study on Adaptation of <i>Aedes aegypti </i> Mosquitoes in Several Growing Media)


  • Suyud Warno Utomo Environmental Department Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia and Center for Research of Human Resources and The Environment, Post Graduate Program University of Indonesia
  • Guntur Agus Triwibowo


Aedes aegypti, Waste Water, Breeding, Polluted water


Aedes aegypti is a type of mosquito which can carry dengue virus, the cause of dengue fever and can also carry the chikungunya virus and yellow fever.  is known to have a medium to grow only in clean water. Environmental changes due to the rapid development have occurred, while the dengue fever is also widespread. It is feared that  might have adapted to the environment. The breeding of mosquitoes should be reviewed as input in making a policy of the dengue mosquito control. This research was conducted by growing some  mosquito eggs in various media to know the ability of the mosquito eggs to hatch and breed. The water media used here were ground water as a control, rain water, cloth wash water, bathroom waste water, rain water with 80 gr soil, rainwater with the 160 gr soil, the cloth wash water with 80 gr soil, cloth wash water with the 160 gr soil, bathroom waste water with 80 gr soil, bathroom waste water with 160 gr soil. This research is a quasi experimental.  Twenty five eggs of A.aegypti were put into each container in which each treatment was repeated three times. The results were analyzed by looking at the graph of observation, showing that  can breed in water media in direct contact with the ground. The highest average number of larvae can live in bathroom waste water with 160 gr soil which is an average of 18 on larval stage, 18 pupal stage and 18 adult stage. From the analysis given, it can be concluded that the A.aegypti mosquitoes can breed well in polluted water in direct contact with the ground. Further in-depth study of the behavior changes in the breeding grounds of the  needs to be carried out by which the control program can be well targeted.



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How to Cite

Utomo, S. W., & Triwibowo, G. A. (2016). <i>Aedes aegypti </i>Mosquito Breeding in Various Water Media (A Study on Adaptation of <i>Aedes aegypti </i> Mosquitoes in Several Growing Media). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(2). Retrieved from https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/3606




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